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Arts Supplement

While the Bowdoin Arts Supplement is not a required element of your application, it is a way for you to demonstrate your sustained dedication to the arts! 

Your submission will be reviewed by the appropriate faculty in the Music, Visual Arts, and/or Theater and Dance departments, and commentary will be submitted to the Admissions Office on your behalf. (Creative writing is not part of the Arts Supplement and may be submitted as "Additional Materials" within your Common Application or Coalition on Scoir application or emailed to 

Deadlines for admissions applications and arts supplements are as follows:

Round Arts Supplement
QuestBridge Match Nov. 6
Early Decision 1 Nov. 15
Early Decision 2 Jan. 14
Regular Decision Jan. 14

Submit an Arts Supplement 

For questions regarding your submissions, please contact us.

Music Submission Guidelines

Music supplements are primarily used to gauge an applicant's fit for departmental ensembles. While the department accepts and reviews all submissions, preference will be given to those that demonstrate a clear contribution to existing musical opportunities at Bowdoin.

The department recommends submitting two to three performance samples of no more than 10-15 minutes (total) illustrating the depth and breadth of your repertoire and technique. The Music department prefers that each movement or piece be an unedited version of the performance. Submissions should emphasize individual ability over participation in group ensembles (ie solo performance vs choral group). If you are not the solo performer, please specifically identify yourself in the piece. Applicants should use YouTube or Vimeo to submit performance samples, but audio-only submissions are acceptable (ie video is not required). Composers may also upload PDF copies of their scores. Physical media submissions will not be reviewed and cannot be returned.

In addition to performance samples, you must include a résumé or C.V. that details your musical experience. You should name and describe ensembles in which you have participated, note any private study, list performances in which you have participated (either in an ensemble or as a soloist), and note any duties performed as an ensemble assistant, officer, or section leader. The résumé should be uploaded at the same time as your supplement.

Theater & Dance Submission Guidelines

The Department of Theater and Dance is open to all students at Bowdoin. The Department specializes in meeting students where they are: some students hold years of training and professional experience, some are just beginning to explore, and many fall somewhere in the middle of that vast spectrum. We encourage all students who are interested in Theater and Dance to help us know you a little better. In a 2-3 minute video or short written statement, please talk to us about the role the arts has played in your life, and how you plan to engage with the arts at the college level. Use any form you wish: words, movement, song, etc. Please don’t submit clips from past performances. Rather, speak or write from your authentic self here, today, now.

Visual Arts/Film Submission Guidelines

The Visual Arts department recommends including a selection of up to five works that demonstrates your artistic interests, experiences, and abilities. Visual Arts portfolios may include a variety of mediums, though several works of the same medium may be more helpful for evaluation. Work should demonstrate creativity, initiative, curiosity, and technique. Photography portfolios should demonstrate both thematic coherence and technical proficiency. Applicants are encouraged to submit work that explores a particular topic, idea, or subject through one or more series of photographs. Portfolio materials must be uploaded with the arts supplement and conform to specific file type and size specifications (JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF, or PDF; Max 16MB). Physical media submissions will not be reviewed and cannot be returned.

The Cinema Studies department recommends including a selection of your work that demonstrates your interests and abilities as a filmmaker. You may submit multiple works, but the total run time of your submissions should not exceed 5 minutes. Applicants should use YouTube or Vimeo to submit film samples. Physical media submissions will not be reviewed and cannot be returned.